RIWS Presents:
Near and Far: An Online Exhibition
Open to all artists in the United States!
Juror: Kathleen Conover kathleenconover.com
Exhibition Dates: August 21st - October 1st
Show Opening: Online on Zoom August 21st at 4pm (please note time change) Participants will be muted upon entry
Zoom Link HERE
All 2D Media Acceptable
Theme: "Near and Far" can be interpreted in many different ways. The foreground and background of a landscape, close ups and far shots, macro and micro, the present vs the future, emotional closeness and/or separation, and unity vs division are all examples of this theme.
Feel free to run with it!
This show will be taking place online and will not be displayed physically in the gallery. Please view the show HERE ON THE RIWS WEBSITE or on the Facebook page to see full descriptions and painting information! View on Facebook HERE
Clouds has been accepted and will be available for purchase during the show.
Enjoy and see you at the opening!